Why Patsari Stoves?
Nearly 3 billion people around the globe cook on open fires inside their homes. Many children suffer burns from open flames and hot coals. Diseases caused by breathing smoke make indoor cooking fires the leading cause of death in the developing world, especially for women and children.

ECOLIFE aims to change this with ouR Patsari Stove.

The Patsari Stove
A highly efficient combustion chamber sits at the heart of every sturdy, brick-walled stove. pre-fabricated chimneys funnel smoke outside the houses and the cooking surfaces are sealed to keep smoke from leaking into the house. Children can play inside safely since the fire is off the ground and contained in cool brick walls.
ECOLIFE Conservation has been building the Patsari Stove within a fifteen-kilometer radius surrounding the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in Central Mexico for 20 years. Our team began building stoves at the southern end of the reserve. The word is steadily spreading from community to community, making its way up and around the reserve’s perimeter. We employ local masons in each community to construct and maintain the stoves. So far, ECOLIFE has built over 13,000 stoves. We have 27,000 more stoves to go to complete the mission of surrounding the reserve and saving thousands of lives.
Help save lives and sponsor a stove today.
Currently, ECOLIFE Conservation has thousands of families patiently waiting for a Patsari Stove so that they may have a smoke-free cooking environment to provide food for their family. You can change that.
You can turn the direction of generational illness by providing a healthy cooking environment for that child, mother, and family. You can leave your legacy on the trajectory of a generation.
With the Sponsor a Stove program, you will provide the life-changing Patsari Stove for the family you sponsor. You will receive an update and a photograph after the family’s Patsari Stove is built, with a personal thank you letter and an ECOLIFE tile with the name of your sponsored family.