Invest in making a proven impact on health, climate, and sustainable development with a Certified Gold Standard Project.
Passing the most rigorous review by the globally-recognized leader in certification of carbon reduction projects for the voluntary market, our Patsari Improved Cookstove program, GS7783, can generate and sell Voluntary Emission Reductions (VER) or carbon credits.

Meet the Patsari Stove
Called “Patsari,” meaning “Caretaker”
Discover our safe, efficient, and culturally appropriate cookstove designed with feedback from actual users.

Clear visibility
into our impact
Transparency is one of our highest priorities. The results of our Patsari Improved Cookstove program have been evaluated through monitoring surveys, kitchen performance tests, and independent audits with strict requirements as part of our Gold Standard certification.
Combining sustainable funding from Carbon Credits with robust monitoring procedures and data infrastructure, we can track and scale our impact like never before.
Helping Humans
and Wildlife Thrive
In Michoacán, Mexico, Patsari stoves improve peoples’ quality of life while preserving nearby endangered wildlife habitats.
Our efforts work to prevent deforestation in the surrounding Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve (MBBR), a UNESCO World Heritage Site, where even small-scale tree removal for fuelwood affects the microclimate and the butterflies’ ability to survive storms.

A project aligned with united Nations
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
No Poverty
End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
Patsari stoves provide access to a cleaner, more efficient cooking method that saves energy, improves the quality of basic domestic services, and reduces poverty levels.
Zero Hunger
End hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
Patsari stoves allow households to cook multiple dishes at once with less time and energy. 78% of beneficiaries confirm the ability to prepare more food with less fuel.
Good Health and Well-Being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
Patsari stoves channel harmful particulate matter and toxins from cooking smoke out of the home, significantly improving health and hygiene conditions. 92% of beneficiaries confirm less respiratory disease and better hygiene.
Affordable and Clean Energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable energy for all.
Patsari stoves offer a sustainable solution for rural populations without access to clean energy or efficient technologies to cover household energy requirements.
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Patsari stoves create employment opportunities in both supervisory office and field levels with local individuals hired for promotion and construction roles. 37 jobs created to date.
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
Patsari stoves consume at least 50% less wood, improving local air quality and reducing particulate matter in rural communities where use of solid fuels or inefficient technology is commonplace.
Climate Action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
Patsari stoves are efficiently designed to require less fuelwood, reduce CO2e emissions, and combat climate change.